ML Two
Lecture 10
πŸ€—Recommender system😎 - Movie Recommender
with CreateML
Welcome πŸ‘©β€πŸŽ€πŸ§‘β€πŸŽ€πŸ‘¨β€πŸŽ€
First of all, don't forget to confirm your attendence on Seats App!
Today's lecture:
-- Introduction to recommendation system πŸ€‘
-- A simple movie recommender
money talks πŸ€‘
money-related AI:
-- recommendation system
-- market price prediction
-- etc.
art work prices prediction
art analytics: artnome
Recommendation System!
before talking about what RS is, let's start by examining the data
Netflix Prize data
There are two entities in RS: user and item (movie)
There is one important quantity of user-item interaction: rating
What does the dataset look like: to organise user, item and ratings together in a dataset we'd use a tabular data format.
(sketch on the whiteboard)
Recommendation system paradigms:
-- content-based: find similar items OR users without using user-item interaction data.
-- collaborative filtering: find similar user-item iteraction history
-- hybrid, etc.
keyword: embedding(aka some sort of represenation of user/item) and similarity
-- more explanations here
Let's do some data pre-processing and training!
all code here πŸ₯°
Hard mode:
open a terminal:
cd to/the/code/folder 
conda create -n RecPrepEnv python=3.6 
conda activate RecPrepEnv 

put "netflix-prize-data" to the same directory as (why?)
Hard mode:
open a terminal:
cd to/the/code/folder 
conda create -n RecPrepEnv python=3.6 
conda activate RecPrepEnv 

then, a new "netflix-prize-data.csv" will appear in the folder "netflix-prize-data", check it out!
πŸ™Œ Hands-on session
1. Open CreateML, set up new project and select "recommendation" template.
2. Drop the "netflix-prize-data.csv" to the training data.
3. Assign users/items/ratings dropdown menu.
4. Click on training!
5. Preview and download the model
run the training playground to see what the output of the recommender ML model is
Human autonomy issue in recommender system: Lorenz Curve
πŸ™Œ Reading session
Let's have a look at a legal framework of AI governance
-- 1. AI Act - a summary and another summary .
-- 2. AI Act - the briefing.
πŸ™Œ Reading session
Let's have a look at the UK government response for AI regulation
-- 1. Read through this summary article.
-- 2. Think about one or more sectors/applications that you are interested in, have a glance over the response and think about how those sectors/applications will be impacted.
Today we talked about:
- 1. Recommendation system: user, item, user-item interaction.
- 2. Movie Recommender as an example.
- 3. Discussions on ethics of recommender system.
A weekly gentle reminder of the final assessment presentation ✌️πŸ₯
We'll see you next week same time same place! 🫑